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About this KCPR Alumni Website

This website, kcpralumni.org, is for KCPR Radio alumni. The website has three parts; each of them looks (and works) differently.

  1. Most of the pages -- plain text with a yellow border (like the page you're reading now) -- are part of a wiki. Anyone can add and edit pages on a wiki with a standard web browser. All changes are logged, so everyone can see what changes were made and by whom.
  2. The gallery has photos, documents, and other images. They're grouped into albums by year and by category.

# Alumni listings list those KCPR staff members, year-by-year, who've asked to be included. If you're trying to find other alumni from your time at KCPR, start here.

To see what's here, go to the HomePage and browse through the main categories. To find wiki pages, search from the FindPage box (at the top of every page) for words that might be in the page title. (If that search didn't help, try again from the FullTextSearch box in the middle of the results page.)

You can add and edit wiki and gallery pages yourself, so please join in and share your memories of KCPR with all of us! (To get an alumni listing, send in your details.) For more information about making wiki pages, read CreatingPersonalPages and AddingPages.

If you have questions, ask JerryPeek. To comment or discuss this site, join the kcprwiki Yahoo Group. Welcome!

Links: HomePage Audio