Diff: KcprAudio1970
Differences between version 10 and previous revision of KcprAudio1970.
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Newer page: | version 10 | Last edited on 7 December 2008 18:20 | by LenFilomeo | Revert |
Older page: | version 9 | Last edited on 7 December 2008 18:20 | by LenFilomeo | Revert |
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
* [Sunday Parade|Upload:LenFilomeo/Sunday_Parade-Susie_and_Make_it_or_Break_It-1.mp3]- A clip of Susie Swiss Cheese and Pat Platter from Sunday Parade.
* [Sunday Parade|Upload:LenFilomeo/Sunday_Parade-Susie-Thanksgiving_greeting-1.mp3]- A clip of Susie Swiss Cheese-Susie visits her brother-in-law, ponders getting married and builds a sand castle. The show closes with a Thanksgiving greeting from KCPR special productions.
* [Open Forum | Upload:LenFilomeo/Dexter_and_Stag_ZuppoNunzio.mp3]- David W. Dexter and Steve Stagnero debate ecology, the moon landings and the rivalry between the Muir Hall Mucky-Mucks Kazoo Marching Band and The Zuppo Nunzio Quintet. //Note: Although I only resided in Muir Hall for the Fall Quarter 1971, I still have my Mucky Muck issue kazoo - Len
* [KCPR Drama | Upload:LenFilomeo/The_Bank_Heist_partial.mp3]- A single episode of a dramatic radio production that aired on KCPR around this time.
-* [The Cal Poly Collegians | Upload:LenFilomeo/Cal_Poly_Collegians_Special.mp3]- A documentary or special production about the Cal Poly Collegians: http://music.calpoly.edu/collegians/ This program sounds like an air check of a program broadcsst on KCPR. The recording starts with the program already in progress and ends when the tape just runs out. We get to hear about 17 minutes of the program. It features recodings of the Collegians and the voice of the legendary Cal Poly Music Director Harold Davidson.
+* [The Cal Poly Collegians | Upload:LenFilomeo/Cal_Poly_Collegians_Special.mp3]- A documentary or special production about the Cal Poly Collegians: http://music.calpoly.edu/collegians/ This program sounds like an air check of a program broadcsst on KCPR. The recording starts with the program already in progress and ends when the tape just runs out. We get to hear about 17 minutes of the program. It features recodings of the Collegians and the voice of the legendary Cal Poly Music Director Harold P,
!!To add a sound file
* click the "Browse" button below, then find the file on your computer
* click the "Upload" button and wait for the file to upload. When it's finished, a link will appear under the "Upload" button.
version 10
KCPR Radio Alumni: 1970 Audio
Click on a sound clip to hear it on your computer's audio player. Audio from other years and in other categories is on the Audio page.
Anderson and Cuddeback These guys were a hoot. AKA Tommy Knight and BJ Gunther-- Keith Cuddeback was a KCPR/KSLY staffer around this time. Tom Anderson (AKA B.J. Gunther)was hired at KSLY in 1970, very much the smooth, small-town, top 40 style, but was always an "outsider" to KCPR. These fellows put together this one-hour special for Christmas 1970, airing on KCPR at 99% compression, much to the shagrin of the general manager at the time.// Notes by Greg Golden.
Robert E. Kennedy on Study Break Cal Poly President Robert E. Kennedy interviewed by Craig Hines and Lou Rinaldi on Study Break. Recorded on Oct 28, 1970. Doctor Kennedy discusses the pros and cons of the Open Door policy in the Cal Poly dorms with callers.
The KCPR Spot Experience - The complete unedited KCPR Spot Experience from 1970. Complements of Lou Rinaldi.
Sunday Parade- A clip of Susie Swiss Cheese and Pat Platter from Sunday Parade.
Sunday Parade- A clip of Susie Swiss Cheese-Susie visits her brother-in-law, ponders getting married and builds a sand castle. The show closes with a Thanksgiving greeting from KCPR special productions.
Open Forum- David W. Dexter and Steve Stagnero debate ecology, the moon landings and the rivalry between the Muir Hall Mucky-Mucks Kazoo Marching Band and The Zuppo Nunzio Quintet. //Note: Although I only resided in Muir Hall for the Fall Quarter 1971, I still have my Mucky Muck issue kazoo - Len
KCPR Drama- A single episode of a dramatic radio production that aired on KCPR around this time.
The Cal Poly Collegians- A documentary or special production about the Cal Poly Collegians:
http://music.calpoly.edu/collegians/ This program sounds like an air check of a program broadcsst on KCPR. The recording starts with the program already in progress and ends when the tape just runs out. We get to hear about 17 minutes of the program. It features recodings of the Collegians and the voice of the legendary Cal Poly Music Director Harold P, Davidson.
To add a sound file
- click the "Browse" button below, then find the file on your computer
- click the "Upload" button and wait for the file to upload. When it's finished, a link will appear under the "Upload" button.
- click the "Edit" button. Select and cut the new link that just appeared. Paste it into the list of clips above, or onto another page (for example, your personal page if it's your aircheck). Add a description and any other notes after the link.
- Click the "Save" button on this page (and, if you pasted the link onto another page, save that page too).