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Newer page: | version 22 | Last edited on 25 June 2010 6:22 | by JerryPeek | Revert |
Older page: | version 21 | Last edited on 25 June 2010 0:55 | by JerryPeek | Revert |
version 22
KCPR Radio Alumni: Jerry Peek
I was at KCPR and Cal Poly from 1977-81. Though my major was Engineering Technology, I spent a lot of time at KCPR. I'd done some work at commercial and college stations before I came to Cal Poly, but KCPR is where I got enough time and practice to improve a lot. I mostly did weekday morning shows as well as Pacific Concert (classical music), some Oldies Shows and some special programs.
Now I'm one of the maintainers of the KCPR alumni website. Here's
how to reach me. There's more about me on my personal site,
jpeek.com and its
radio page.
Air shows
At the start of a fall quarter (1979?) - while we were adding classes. (Remember the boards posted outside, the lines, the cards?) The "Your station" phrase I used a few times probably came from a station where I'd worked that summer; it was their slogan, and it had been drilled into my head... (length: 4:15)
Oldies Show, April 1981 - "Bicycle Bob" Latson, who did a lot of the Oldies Shows, stopped by.(length: 2:19)
End of my last KCPR show - just the voice bits from the last 40 minutes of my last 6-9 AM show, Monday of finals week, June 1981 (length: 2:52)
Some production examples
Weird Al sounder (length: 0:05) - I did this just for fun (it was my idea); I'm not sure if
Al ever used it while he was at KCPR. Made by dubbing songs onto tape, then cutting out bits of each song to get the sounds I wanted. (This isn't hard today with digital audio editors, but it was more of a challenge with razor blades and splicing tape!) Here are the songs I used (I don't remember all of them... suggestions, anyone?!):
- "Weird": Surrender, by Cheap Trick
- "Al": a song by Arlo Guthrie?
- "K": a song by Gordon Lightfoot
- "C": ?
- "P": People by Barbra Streisand
- "R": a song by the Captain & Tennille
"Soundtrack" promo for "Mary Poppins" (length: 0:31): Various KCPR staff members hosted the Soundtrack show -- and made our own promos.
I edited some of the sound clips with Audacity, the freely-available sound editor.